Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May numbers are in....

We got Kaden's levels back from 5-6-10 and his homocystine was 60. This is an OK number but a bit high for Kaden. When we got home from drawing his levels I noticed Kaden didn't get his full dose of betaine the day before! SH**! After this discovery, I knew his levels would be a bit high. Oh well, its done. His dietitian and doctor were happy with the levels so I'll try to be happy as well. Hoping for better levels next month :)

We did an extra test last month to check protein and it came back good. Now we know he is getting enough "good" protein from his diet to grow perfectly. Just what I needed to hear.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Our low protein food order from Cambrooke took 3 weeks to get shipped. So, here we are a month later and finally have some food. With low protein food, it's hit or miss with the taste. It's either delicious and tastes just like the regular food or it is so nasty I wouldn't feed it to our dog. We got...

Wheat Starch-great flour replacer!! I love this stuff and well worth every penny

Tweeks-chicken flavored nuggets. These are very tasty! They are a breaded mushroom mixture. Takes a while to bake, but very convenient.

Cheese Pizza-Pretty good but don't think I would order this again due to the cost. They were $21 for 3 mini pizzas. They were really good but I could make pizza dough for a fraction of the cost and just order low protein cheese.

Hot Dogs-I'm going to be nice and say these are disgusting. (they are that bad!!) They are mashed yucca root in a casing. Enough said...

So, that is my review on our order. Not extremely satisfied with the wait or the cost of these few items, but its what I have to get use to. Cambrooke is an awesome company and does make some excellent low protein foods, you just have to find the items that work for you.